Tarot Card Reading

Book a tarot card reading for clarity about any situation or goal! With the help of your Akashic Record and Spirit Guides I’ll share the guidance you need to hear.


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Tarot card reading of about 30 minutes, which aims to answer one question (or discuss one situation). Some guidelines what you can book this tarot card reading for:

  • Timeline questions (if or when will … happen?)
  • Unwanted situations (why is … happening to me? What do I need to do to change …?)
  • Manifestation (Is … the right action step? Is this goal aligned for me? How am I designed to manifest?)
  • Love, friendship & family questions (how can I attract new friends? How should I attract new love?)
  • Life purpose (what am I meant to do in this lifetime? What are my Soul gifts?)
  • General guidance (what is the right path for me right now? what will the next month be like for me?)

For me, I don’t mind what you ask me about, but for your own sake: the best kind of intentions/questions are specific! If you ask generic questions like “can I have guidance for my love life”, you will get a generic reading. If you ask a specific question, you’ll get more specific guidance. A good question instead would be “I just got out of a relationship, what do I need to change to manifest someone new & better?”.

Another thing, future prediction questions are possible (and I will give you quite a specific answer), but the future is never set in stone. It’s possible things change, because your future is 100% in your own hands. Also, if you want me to give a prediction, give me a specific intention.

Even though I can channel loved ones who are passed on, it’s not my area of expertise so keep that in mind. I am good at channeling people’s talents, gifts and inner resistance, as well as giving multi-level energy healing. I truly believe I have these specific gifts for a reason; to help you reach your goals and manifest your dream life. That is what I am good at!

Practical info:

This is not a live 1:1 reading, but one I record for you and send to your email address. Make sure you give me an email address you read, because I will need to contact you after you book to receive your full name, birthdate & birthplace which I need to access your Akashic Record. I will send the reading to you within a week of receiving this information.


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