– Payment for the online sessions is done with the help of Mollie.com, on my website, prior to the appointment.
– Appointments that have been forgotten or aren’t cancelled or moved at least 48 hours in advance will be charged in full. If there is a good reason why you are not there, Iris Emmy can decide to refund the cancelation or make a new appointment without extra charges. Whether the reason is good enough is decided by Iris Emmy herself. Please note: a cancellation is not final until you have received a confirmation. Otherwise, please contact me again.
– Registration for a coaching trajectory or session is only final after full payment of the
– If you have psychological disorders/illnesses, you are required to report this to Iris
Emmy. You may be rejected for sessions on this. If this emerges during a session, Iris Emmy can immediately end the session and refer you to a relevant medical specialist.
– Teaching materials and assignments given in support of the sessions are protected by
copyright and should not be copied, distributed and/or forwarded in any way.
– Both parties are bound to secrecy of everything discussed during or in the context of the
coaching sessions, training courses and workshops.
– Copyright rests on all texts, images, and other material on this website. These may not be copied, forwarded, or distributed, neither in original nor in edited form.
– Subject to change.
– Whatever Iris Emmy says to you, you always remain responsible for your own actions. If
you act on what we discussed during a session and the result is disappointing, you can in no way use this legally against Iris Emmy.
– Participation in activities is entirely at your own risk. Iris Emmy is not liable for damage,
direct or indirect, of any kind, as a result of participating in activities or sessions by her.
– You are aware of the fact that coaching is not a therapeutic treatment nor any other form
of therapy or medical treatment. Coaching is not a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial, or spiritual advice. You are aware of your own responsibility for the results to be achieved from the coaching.