6 Reasons To Join The Soul Realignment Program

My own experience as a Soul Realignment student & practitioner, and why I think it’s a great idea for anyone to join!

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What is soul realignment?

Soul Realignment, developed by psychic medium and spiritual teacher Andrea Hess, teaches a form of energetic healing that involves extensive insights into someone’s Soul’s blueprint. It combines intuitive reading of the Akashic Records with energy healing techniques to help someone align with their Soul’s purpose and remove any barriers that might be limiting their growth and progress.

Through this work you’ll learn how to uncover the Soul’s origins and history as well as Soul-level talents, how we can manifest new results, and how to energetically clear old patterns of negativity that we have created through past choices.

pendulum, tarot

How does Soul Realignment work?

Soul Realignment is based on the belief that each individual has a unique Soul with a specific energetic blueprint. This blueprint contains information about the Soul’s past experiences, choices and patterns of past lifetimes. These energetic imprints can impact a person’s current life, affecting their relationships, career, health, and well-being.

By accessing the Akashic Records, a Soul Realignment practitioner can gather this information, as well as a Soul’s talents and lessons – helping them gain clarity on their life’s purpose and aligned choices.

One of the key aspects of this program is identifying and clearing energetic blocks and negative patterns that are holding someone back. These blocks are karmic in nature, so they often create repeated cycles of challenges and limitations in someone’s life. By addressing these energetic imbalances, people experience profound shifts in their circumstances and attract more positive experiences.

What makes Soul Realignment So unique?

Soul Realignment stands out from other spiritual modalities due to the unique combination of elements that dive deep into someone’s energetic blueprint while also remaining highly grounded and realistic. Here are some of the key factors that set this course program apart:

Akashic Records

Andrea Hess teaches about the Akashic Records, which contain a comprehensive record of a Soul’s past experiences and choices. Accessing these records can provide detailed insights into someone’s Soul history, karmic patterns, and life purpose.

Soul Blueprint Analysis

The concept of a Soul Blueprint, which contains an individual’s unique talents, and purpose, is a defining feature of Soul Realignment. This in-depth understanding of one’s Soul offers a level of specificity that sets it apart from other energy healing approaches.

Clearing Energetic Blocks

Soul Realignment places a unique emphasis on the understanding of deep-seated karmic issues that may be responsible for recurrent life challenges. The intend is to clear energetic blocks & restrictions by learning how & why they started in the first place.

Improved Psychic Abilities

Soul Realignment helps to improve psychic abilities, regardless of your starting point. The first module explains how to work with a pendulum, making it accessible for those unfamiliar with it. With experience, intuitive answers will come to you even before the pendulum swings.

Learn to Offer Readings

The students learn how to give in-depth readings and energy healing through a large number of lessons and protocols to prepare a reading. Soul Realignment also includes lessons on how to structure a session and the basic principles of running a business as a spiritual guide.

Home Energy Clearing

In the first module, Andrea Hess offers an additional module that teaches the students how cleanse the energy in a space. This involves discovering and removing certain spirits, but also other energies or open portals that may negatively affect the residents or employees.

my personal experience

Her programs and courses have been some of the most life-changing experiences I’ve had. I finally have reliable techniques to deliver accurate, useful readings that offer practical guidance and powerful energy healing. These teachings prepared me to become the spiritual coach I always aspired to be. Now, I have the wisdom, tools, and methods to help my clients create a Soulful, fulfilling life.

What I’m most grateful for is discovering who I am truly meant to be—and no longer holding myself back. Understanding my true purpose made so many puzzle pieces in my life fall into place. I now have a clear vision for my future, guided by my heart’s true desires. Without Soul Realignment, I probably would have suppressed those dreams for much longer.

I’m deeply passionate about this work, and I’m excited to share it with you! I highly recommend watching the free online training and reading the page linked above—it provides valuable insight into what you can expect.

If you’re seriously considering joining the Soul Realignment certification program and would like to speak with someone who has completed it, feel free to reach out to me!

How will you know Soul Realignment is right for you?

Curious about Spirituality

This program delves into topics like the Akashic Records, karma, multi-dimensionality, manifestation and much more, making it ideal for those who are seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual essence.

Ready for Energy Healing

If you are open to the idea of energy healing and believe that addressing energetic blocks can lead to positive transformations in your life, you may find Soul Realignment to be a suitable program.

Wanting Clarity on Life’s Challenges

If you seek clarity on the root causes of recurring challenges in your life, Soul Realignment is incredibly beneficial. The program aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to these patterns.

Willing to Take Full Responsibility

Soul Realignment encourages their practitioners to take full responsibility for their choices. If you are ready to work for it, aligning your actions with your intentions, this program can be incredibly transformative.

Why I loved it so much

And you'll love it too!

Go To The Official Website

Here’s my affiliate link to the official website of Soul Realignment!

FAQ about Soul Realignment

Both! In addition to encourage students to engage in self-work, Andrea Hess urges students to conduct their initial readings for practice clients. This deepens understanding of the lessons and is a requirement for obtaining certification at the end of level 1. Opting for the certification to establish a spiritually based business equips you with all the tools and expertise needed to start with confidence.

Nevertheless, Soul Realignment is equally well-suited for those exclusively pursuing personal growth, healing, and transformation, in which case working with practice clients is not necessary. Even without practice clients, one can proceed, complete, and get significant benefits from the entire program, with the only drawback being the absence of a certification diploma at the end.

Absolutely! Even if you don’t consider yourself intuitive (just like me prior to the program), there’s no need to worry. Through practical implementation and consistent practice, the program guides you in developing your intuition. In short, Soul Realignment is beginner-friendly, offering valuable lessons whether or not you have prior experience in energy healing or channeling. Everyone, regardless of experience level, can gain something from this program if they’re open to it.

Yes! You may have learned that we are the creators of our own reality. With the Law of Attraction, we can manifest what we want… Right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

You may feel like certain difficult circumstances cycle back again and again, no matter what you do. And it may be really hard (even seemingly impossible) to manifest the things you want, especially to make those changes last!

Manifestation is certainly real – but karmic programs, as well as patterns of thought & behaviour, might subconsciously limit your growth. In order to finally transform your circumstances, accessing the Akashic Records to reveal these patterns is the key to start making lasting changes.

learn how to manifest money!

If you are looking to learn more about manifestation – this is the course for you!

Money Manifesting Mastery is another program of hers, specifically designed to teach you how to manifest more income. In the hours worth of profound insights, Andrea offers a practical approach to manifest results and plenty of exercises to implement.

Click here to check out here program: Money Manifesting Mastery!

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